This video is absolutely moving. A great point!
after the rain.

beauty is left.
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'In that moment, that was everything to me': Patient describes joy of regaining vision in 1 eye after new stem cell therapy - A first-of-its-kind stem cell transplant has changed the life of a man who was left blind in one eye following a firework accident.9 hours ago
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Post- election thoughts
Hey there!
Hmm much has happened between now and before. The fall equinox has approached and the end of daylight savings time has commenced with the turning back of our clocks one hour. Joyous moment in my mind as with the right line of thinking, this means one more hour of sleep. I always like to not turn back my clocks to "trick" myself. Sometimes it does work! Anyways, I feel a bit more energized than I normally do, which is a pleasant plus. As for issues to speak of, I am pleased and very proud to have lived to see America elect her first African American President, Barack Obama. For twenty-two months, my heart goes out to all the children of the candidates and I often wonder how they must be feeling as their parents are out on the move with great motivation to create change for theirs and our future.
Concerning, Barack's postion in the beginning stages, I was a bit skeptical. I held this pestimissism that as the democrats battled for their nomination, the republics differed in the way that John McCain breezed through to his spot as presidential cadidate. At one point with much reluctance, I thought that McCain being the most "normal" and "typical", would win. Many questions laid in my mind last year: "Is America ready to accept a black president into office? Is America ready for change? If it is, is Obama truly ready and suitable to lead?"
When I saw so much corruption in politics and in the government's ways, my answer to these questions were mainly No and perhaps, a few maybes to open up a chance to release skepticism in the coming months. This is how I felt, until the tide started to steadily rise. Stained by the media, I was convinced that Hilary was too much of a woman that wore a plastic mask of smiles under her desire to perfect and execute. Near defeat, she remained determined to continue her run with her funds and began to swirl insults to Obama. When Obama went through and became the top candidate for the democratic party, the claws sunk back in and Hilary seemed like she was trying her best to put on a even brighter mask to please her former rival in hopes to be chosen as his vice presidential running mate. Yet, these hopes were crushed once Obama announced his selection as Joe Biden, a white older male to complement Obama's composition. This choice allowed voters to be reassured that someone with a great amount of experience would be behind and support the president.
A poll once said that about 34% of Hilary's supporters would sway towards McCain if she was not chosen. In a deep attempt to draw the women voters left from Hilary, McCain surprises all at the republican convention with his choice for vice president, Mrs. Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska and experienced mother of five children.
Hah! This very woman in my belief, led McCain to his defeat. I've often thought that soon the rush will come where writers will swoom into get their books titled, The Palin Impact or The Problem with Palin and so forth. The hockey mom with a hot determination to succeed as a politician drew many in with her fiery passion to work for the people, but this bulldog with lipstick couldn't fool everyone. Mother of five... one daughter at seventeen, pregnant. Another darling one of seven years holds her dear brother of something months born with a disability. With her own pregnancy, Palin hid hers until the eighth month and delivered her son right after a speech where her water broke. She never told her children beforehand that their brother had Downs Syndrome, which is quite unfortunate. With all these facts coming in, it grew some doubt whether she was qualified. Palin loves her family dearly, and they definitely need her. Alaska may be massive compared to much of the United States, but concerning people, it's a land of barren to Chicago.
The drama grew more, when Katie Couric's interview came out with Palin. I watched the SNL version first (in which, Tina Fey is phenomenal! On foreign policy: "I can see Russia from my house!"). Then I proceeded to watch the actual interview. Whew! ... Reality just struck me there. I thought SNL completely overexaggerated the scene at first, but man, Palin was so scrambled. When asked a question she did not know, she begins to stutter and goes forth to refer back to her candidate, as if a daughter seeking her father's hand not sure what to do. After that, she attempts to answer by speaking in fragments without answering the original question and then realizing how foolish she appears, she goes about to say that she'll research more... Throughout the footage seen, it was apparent that Palin was unprepared and her pulse was racing with alarm. In response, the majority of the public begins to worry and label Palin as unfit while, fellow republicans claim in denial that Couric and the rest of the media is just picking on her.
Later on, I was sure that Palin was over when I read in "TimesWeek" that Palin had thought that the Vice President ran the Senate. Any seventh grader could have told her otherwise.
Because of the Palin choice, many strongly raised republicans had pressed the blue button for this election (this year Texas seemed split pretty well while usually they are strongly republican!). A firm belief stands that perhaps it was really Palin's fault. Hilary may have worn a mask, but at least she was well educated and qualified. If McCain were to die in office abruptly, I would be very very afraid to have Sarah Palin as president (Matt Damon would agree! I've had some people say that if they were a foreign country with out collapsing government with Palin in charge, they would take over).
On the other hand, Biden actually touched me a bit during his debate with Palin when he choked up a bit. He talked about knowing how it feels like to struggle especially when he was once a single father raising two sons after his first wife died. For a man with such a tongue like him to have gone though that, showed us great compassion, care, and strength. I used to think that if Barack has chosen Hilary after McCain chose Palin, they would make it in the hope that the American people would not look at sex and race, but on the importance of issues like the economy (both candidates during the race called Clinton for advice). If he chose Hilary before McCain's choice, McCain would obviously have chosen a Male running mate. Though it all, I have to say, if Palin had not been involved, I don't think I would have keep this many tabs on this historic election.
By now, I've sat here for quite a while now. Watching tv last night, was so moving. Even in my home, I felt like a part of what was happening. Like the tragic events of 9/11 and Katrina, I know I have witnessed them and now I have witnessed this; something hopeful for all. I cannot go on and say that yes, this is the most positive stepping stone of American history quite yet as there is so much more to come. Obama's victory speech was spoken with what is described as grim determination. It'll be tough and scary, but after four years, we shall see where we as a country stand and evaluate the progress.
Obama's quote yesterday really stuck out to me: "There are not red states in American, there are not blue states in American, there is only The United States of America". With this, no matter whether you are Republican or a Democrat, let us agree that this is history! Martin Luther King said many years ago, "We shall overcome!" in his famous speech and like call and response, Obama and his supporters chant back, "Yes, We Can."
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You just can't hold on forever.
Giving up something you held
so dearly is tough, but manageable.
We all have to move on.
You just can't hold on forever.
Giving up something you held
so dearly is tough, but manageable.
We all have to move on.