after the rain.

after the rain.
beauty is left.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

shirt: if only they had a different color...

I really like today's shirt on!
It's called "Camera Eyes."
The only downside is that it's in cream and that doesn't suit well with me. :(
Otherwise, I'd definitely order the shirt!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

thought/poetry: walking to the library

A walk through the gloom and gray tends to give time for the sealing of thoughts and perception of the new. Sensitivity heightens and our surroundings, we become aware. Walk, walk--a brand new story is born, but often lies unrecorded, lacking paper.


Mental processes: Walking to library.

Forgot hat, but decides not to go back.
Snow begins to fall lightly. Ear phones snug in ear.
Volume up, cars begin to hum.
Gust of wind, sparkles fly daintly through the air.
Stare at the houses. Magnetic glares, still time; axis.
Only the thin sheets of white tissue paper slide by.
Step 1, Step 2, Step 3. A large crack. Beneath the surface, what is seen?
Not solid nor soil, but a deep darkness; no ground. 
Wonder to what degree is our stability?
Where the sidewalk ends...

It's like a photographic, artistic film. 
Music beams. 
Expression shows. 
Noises blend into nothing. 

It's beauty.

Fragments sewn together,
Another nice day.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

shout-out: birthdays!

Well, this is an interesting year for celebrating historic figures' birthdays.

Happy 200th Birthday
to Abraham Lincoln!


Happy 200th Birthday
to Charles Darwin!

It's kind of odd to think that these two were born on the same day and year, existing at the same time!

(Oh yeah, yesterday was the 46th anniversary of Sylvia Plath's death.)


Monday, February 9, 2009

thought: is the color red intimidating?

Is the color red intimidating?

According to the University of British Columbia’s research on color concerning the effects of red and blue on task work, red may be sometimes approached as a bit intimidating, superior, and with great caution. The article supporting this explains that the university had recently conducted a study with more than 600 participants about color. Subjects were asked to perform specified tasks under the condition of having a blue or red desktop background as well as tasks involving working with the actual color. Overall, those working with a red background performed “31 percent better at tasks like proofreading…which require attention to detail.”

Although significant results and differences were apparent in this particular studying involving red and blue, the experiment lacked a control group to make results comparable to the norm. In addition to this possible gap, the article did not specify where the sample population was taken from to be representative of which group of people. Certain groups of people may possibly be bias towards or less affected by a color, such as perhaps, those conditioned from a background of seeing the color red regularly would be “immune” to the effects of the particular hue. However, despite these minor discrepancies, I do believe that color effects how people perceive life and our surroundings.

Red may be perceived as intimidating and generally may seem so; however, depending on the context, the color may send off a different message. An article by David Johnson of Information Please asks the question whether different colors affect one’s mood.

The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and
breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the
wearer appear heavier…In decorating, red is usually used as an accent.
Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract

Johnson forgets to add that the color red also stimulates appetite. In the fast food industry, companies often sport bright red logos, such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, and many other places to attract customers and sway them to buying their products. Even restaurants that do not have the bold red logos find ways to use color psychology to their advantage. Walking past the green and yellow logo of Subway, customers will find themselves in a lovely dining area with beautiful, alluring wallpaper displaying the freshness of fruits and vegetables the restaurant has to offer—of course, including a blown up photo of the deep rich fullness of red tomatoes.

Another article in connection to the University of Rochester, points out that “the color red attracts men to women.” Studies focused on males’ responses to different photographs of women in different settings and presentations. In one part of the study, men were asked to rate the attractiveness of a women framed by a red border opposed to a white or blue border. The other study went deeper into showing test subjects women with different colored shirts and asking them dating related questions. To establish some control, colors used in each study were “precisely equated in saturation and brightness levels” to avoid any other factors that could influence the outcome. At the end of the study, “the women shown framed by or wearing red were rated significantly more attractive and sexually desirable by men.”

Referring back to Johnson, “red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier.” If the color red makes the wearer appear heavier, then why are men selecting the women wearing the weight-adding color? It is possible that the color red may be linked to our biological roots with a more primitive nature to this phenomenon. In the past, it was traditional for the man to hunt and the woman to bear children. Ancient civilizations have praised the full figure of the female with goddesses and deities possessing a voluptuous body unlike today’s ideal image of a thin and delicate woman. “In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention.” Women are not furniture, but the color red not only empowers them to stimulate the appetites of men and give sign of fertility, but also allows them to have an unspeakable intensity men cannot describe through the mask of attraction. ♥

*Sorry, I did not include a bibliography. One will come soon so that sources will be cited correctly.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

another goal: pinhole camera

Inspired by one of my friends' old and taped- vintage cameras (literally uses seven pieces of tape), I feel the need to try something new. Today we have the sharp and clear feel of the digital camera, but it's funny how photos taken long before this digital age send a somewhat stronger image in terms of revealing to us the artistic take on photography. Vintage cameras provide a misty and nostalgic picture full of wonder and perception. With this, I want to make my own pinhole camera out of household materials and create something just as majestic. Pinhole cameras, however, need a ton of light and with news that the groundhog saw his shadow, spring's sunshine will be more months away. Instructables, once again provides a great "how-to." Try to out. but it's a spring project for me!

How To Make A Pinhole Camera - More DIY How To Projects


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