after the rain.

beauty is left.
blog list
'In that moment, that was everything to me': Patient describes joy of regaining vision in 1 eye after new stem cell therapy - A first-of-its-kind stem cell transplant has changed the life of a man who was left blind in one eye following a firework accident.9 hours ago
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Warren Invite: when you forget your camera battery
Taken at the Warren Invite in 2008.
Moments can be captured, but as closed doors open new ones, this memory is different. Not frozen like a still shot, the Warren Invite replays in my mind, warm by the after-effect of sweaty post-race hugs.
SEPT 19 09-- Rumbling down the road, our bus makes its way from Skokie to Gurnee. Today's the race we've all been waiting for: The Warren Invite.
Distance: 3 miles for all levels--frosh/soph, varsity, & junior varsity.
Features: Run time along a path in a beautiful cool forest preserve, concessions, clean bathrooms, & oh, almost forgot to mention, a big hill.
Wiping the slight drool from the side of my mouth, I lift my head from Diana's shoulder. Back straight against the seat, her eyes are closed. "Hey Diana, you can lean on my shoulder too." Readjusting her position, soon Diana's head and mine lightly bump each other left to right with hers sandwiched between my shoulder and head. The bus pulls into Warren High School's parking lot and already a wave of buses are there. I nudge Paula awake by tapping her head in the seat front of us.
Making camp on a grassy spot speckled with morning dew, the team lays out a blue tarp. "Laaadies, we're enforcing the NO-SHOES-ON-TARP rule. So leave your bags here, but take your shoes OFF!" demands the captains. All the girls plop their belongings in the center and gingerly slip out of their grass-stained shoes.
"FRESHMAN & SOPHOMORE GIRLSS, get ready to warm up!" Diana and Paula stand. Although I wouldn't be able to run with them, for once, I'd have the chance to capture the two running.
Excited by all the photo opportunities, I cautiously remove my camera from my bag, remove the cap, turn the switch on, and view Diana planting herself in a shot of perfection without even realizing it. I click the little black button... no response. The fantastic feel of the shot and accompanying shutter sound are amiss.
Frantic, I glare at the 3 inch monitor in hope of seeing a screen of gray filled with numbers and letters of photographic information-- but no, a blank black rectangle stares back and laughs at me. A dark revelation hits. I swiftly flip over the camera body and open the battery hatch: Empty, like my hopes of taking hundreds of pictures of my teammates running.
Disenchanted, I change my plans and head toward the starting line with a different light bulb floating over my head.
BANG! The race begins. The first loop's a breezy mile, but the second and third miles are a bit trickier. Positioning myself along the base of the hill, I keep an eye out for Diana or Paula. Girls of all different colored uniforms spurt forward from the forest path. Wearing black and white with a spot of red, Diana emerges.
"Go Diana!" She approaches the hill. A couple weeks ago, we ran at a meet loaded with some of the most vicious hills. Unprepared at the time, we vowed to overcome the next time. Diana meets the hill. "Just like practice! RUNNN!" As the race progresses, phrases spew out of my mouth anxious to see action. "STAAY STRONGG!" "You CAN DO THIS!" "Stick TOGETHER!" "NICE JOB!!" I had become one of those loud obnoxious coaches.
After running two and a half miles, Paula has one more hill climb to go. She walks. You simply cannot walk in a race. I scream. She turns. Paula, run! I scream, again. Finally, Paula runs and conquers the hill. I think for her: Veni, vidi, vici.
Girls begin to finish. Quickly, I scurry to the finish line. If I don't see Diana run in, at least I'll catch her when she's finish. Approaching the lane where runners make their last strides, by some imaginable coincidence, I see Diana running her last 300 meters.
"DIIANNAA, DIIIIAAANNNAAAAA, RUNNN!" I sound like a fire ambulance, but by the last stream of Diana’s, my voice resembles an old lady screaming for her life as if she were mauled by a wild cougar. But, I'm not an old lady screaming for her life or even a desperate photographer leaning in for the ideal shot. I'm a cross country runner. A cross country runner screaming and cheering until her voice runs dry for her teammates’ races. It doesn’t matter if I’m armed with a camera or not. Diana and Paula finish and our trio collapses into a sweaty post-race hug.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Presenting April!
Presenting April!
Originally uploaded by lilxerica
I don't know why (maybe I do), but whenever I look at this picture, I just cannot not smile. Blast! It's the charm of April.
Just wanted to share and hopefully, make your night a little more cheerful.
'Til the next smiling or intriguing picture!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Originally uploaded by lilxerica
Hello all!
Today, I spent hours trying to manage my photos and pictures on my old computer that I have now designated my "Photo Only" machine. I finally put up a fresh photo onto Flickr after how many weeks of waiting. I'm still trying to figure out how those cool rounded edges work (for some odd reason, they show up sometimes, but not always). Anyways in the future, I hope to keep this computer in tip-top shape and organized! Of all the pictures I take, food and people are my popular subjects. The berries above represent my occasional interest in snapping nature closely. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
random writings: By the lake, a breeze greets her.

Sara never liked boats nor did she like the gusts of wind that the speed of the them formed as it ruined her carefully arranged hair while thrashing through the waters, but Jay always insisted that she needed "a keen feeling of nature to truly understand beauty." Pft! It was always said that beauty is in the eyes of its beholder and in Sara's eyes, beauty was her hair smooth and silky--untainted by montrous winds that would frizzle the ends.
Jay lightly patted the top of Sara's head and with a sympathetic sigh, continued to coax her onto the boat. When she finally relented, Sara rolled her eyes and lazily entered the vehicle. It was their last summer together anyways. When the motor began to sputter with excitement, Sara gripped tightly on the white leather seats, but after an hour, the only sounds that filled the air was the calmed humming of the boat and the calls of the seagulls gliding above. Once by the lake, a cool breeze greets her and brushes by gently; the air alleviating the stress of the fall and new year to come. Jay's hand gradually slips into hers and the rush of color and sense from the surroundings of the lake begin to soak in. Twisting her lips into a smile, Sara realizes what feeling Jay had tried to explain before.
Closing her eyes, the pull was too strong. Sara confirmed something deep down in her stain glass heart--fragile, yet resistant against the fire of opposition: she would never forget that summer.
Friday, May 22, 2009
blurb: flat effect
An ugly, bland Flat Effect.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
lame poetry: i'm an old car
I'm an old car.
Treasure me. Trash me. Pawn me.
Turn me
electric or solar.
Really, I don't care.
Make me, once again, useful
and so much more meaningful
than before. Grab the keys, kid.
Let's drive.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
thought: "eradicate this font" what?!

Thursday, April 16, 2009
essay: johari window
I guess I did finally do my psych essay.
No time to edit.
Ah, well. We'll take everything in steps.
The Johari Window:
Window to Becoming Aware of Oneself
The Johari Window is essentially a window to one’s awareness of oneself in terms of personality trait expression and serves as a useful tool in understanding how information is given and received in relationships. The model is basically, a rectangular figure divided into four distinct sections: the Arena/Open, the Blind Spot, the Façade, and the Unknown. In developing a Johari Window, peers of the subject are asked to select five or six personality traits from a set list that they believe best describe the target individual, whom already selected traits about him/herself. After several peers have evaluated the person, the window begins to take form.
The Arena/Open area describes the quadrant in which information is known about the individual under mutual terms between the public and him/herself. The Blind Spot represents the section where characteristics that are perceived by others are present, but not known by the subject. In the third quadrant, the façade dwells, where traits about the individual are avoided or hidden and not known by the public. Lastly, the Unknown contains information that remains inexistent and yet to be elicited.
Developed in the 1950’s by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, the Johari Window is appropriately named with the combination of the model’s creators (Joseph + Harry = JoHari) and remains a new contribution to the world of psychology and work. When viewing the grid, the method of benefiting from such heavily supports ideas of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Passing the bottom of the pyramid and going directly to the top of Maslow’s diagram, the Johari Window emphasizes on self-improvement and in Maslow’s case, self-actualization. In addition to the humanistic approach of becoming better people, the Johari Window may also be incorporated into Freud’s theories of the unconscious in respect to the Unknown area of the model. Freud also thought consciousness is like the tip of the iceberg with vast area containing our judgment, morals, and unconscious beneath. In a way, the Johari Window maps out the little details that can help reveal the iceberg or expand our sense of reality and act accordingly.
The goal of the model is to simply help people understand themselves and others; and through mutual understanding, optimize productivity within the working place. New teams begin with larger hidden and unknown areas with blind spots slowly forming from first impressions. Overtime, team members’ should be evoked by either self-discovery (bringing into the hidden), others’ observation (into the blind spot), or together as a team (into the arena). It is advised that a good team have a large Arena of openness and understanding in comparison of other quadrants. A large hidden area and blind spot signifies that members are distant.
In order to expand the Arena and minimize the other sections, feedback and self-disclosure is important in a group or environment. Feedback solicitation gives others a chance to express how they feel about an individual with open ears to listen and make changes. Self-disclosure is all about telling others about oneself in an effort to gain interest and information to bond.
Although the Johari Window provides a great method for evaluating the growth of closeness and openness within a team, such results render useless if members of a team or individuals are unwilling to act upon the newfound information of the model. More disadvantages of the window include the competence of those evaluating—for example, do participants know the difference between being knowledgeable versus intelligent? Of the provided list of fifty-five adjectives, how many may be perceived as synonyms of each other? Such items need to be taken into consideration.
Overall, some may view the Johari Window as a silly activity where individuals fish for compliments, and in that way, the model may be seen as a singularly appreciable exercise, but others may walk away with something more—the seed of motivation for their quests for self-actualization and improvement.
Arena(known to self and others) complex, intelligent, observant, patient, reflective, self-assertive | Blind Spot(known only to others) able, accepting, adaptable, bold, calm, caring, cheerful, clever, confident, dependable, dignified, energetic, extroverted, friendly, giving, happy, helpful, idealistic, independent, kind, knowledgeable, logical, loving, mature, modest, organised, relaxed, religious, sensible, sympathetic, trustworthy, warm, wise, witty |
Façade(known only to self)
| Unknown(known to nobody) brave, ingenious, introverted, nervous, powerful, proud, quiet, responsive, searching, self-conscious, sentimental, shy, silly, spontaneous, tense |
Dominant Traits
53% of people think that lilxerica is friendly
57% of people agree that lilxerica is intelligent
All Percentages
able (15%) accepting (23%) adaptable (7%) bold (3%) brave (0%) calm (15%) caring (19%) cheerful (11%) clever (3%) complex (3%) confident (11%) dependable (34%) dignified (3%) energetic (19%) extroverted (11%) friendly (53%) giving (3%) happy (11%) helpful (15%) idealistic (3%) independent (7%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (57%) introverted (0%) kind (15%) knowledgeable (23%) logical (15%) loving (7%) mature (38%) modest (11%) nervous (0%) observant (11%) organised (19%) patient (7%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflectiverelaxed (3%) religious (3%) (3%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (11%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (3%) sentimental (0%) shy (0%) silly (0%) spontaneous (0%) sympathetic (7%) tense (0%) trustworthy (26%) warm (7%) wise (7%) witty (3%)
You can make your own Johari Window, or view lilxerica's full data.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
thoughts: not doing psych paper
Words from yesterday.
I'm not doing my psychology paper tonight.
with no sense of time management
with big ideas and dreams
and a lazy disposition.
("But we've got to hold on to what we've got...")
Sometimes, I confuse myself
whether I am more optimistic or pessimistic.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
thought: lidocaine is cool.

Lidocaine is cool.Today, I got a filling done on a cavity on the side of one of my molars and Dr. Finkle numbed the right side of my cheek. It took quite a while for the tingliness to change to heaviness, but this is how numbness really feels: like I got a fat lip. I try to grin and outcomes a wry smile. Much effort is needed to pull the tips of my mouth up. Effortless, my face is Abe Lincoln's--half smile, half indifference. My cheek feels soft and tender (haha, kind of like a baby's bottom) and the wetness of my bottom lip may oddly be compared to the sliminess of an uncooked piece of chicken thigh, the fatty part that we often pick with our finger and slice off. What an odd feeling this is as there is actually none (haha or the nerves rather)!Lordie, I'm so weird.
Monday, March 23, 2009
thought: nicholas hughes dead
It was just announced yesterday, but happened last week:
Nicholas Hughes, son of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath,
committed suicide and hanged himself
after battling depression.
It's such a shame. Apparently, he specialized in fish studies.
I especially like this picture of the family.
So happy.
Go here to learn more and be referred to other articles on this.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
random video: guacamole!
Guacamole from Si on Vimeo.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
eyes that eat: the chick-fil-a sandwich
the chick-fil-a sandwich
Originally uploaded by lilxerica
Eaten for the very first time a couple of weeks ago, the Chick-Fil-A sandwich is extraordinary and nothing like I've ever tasted in the category of chicken sandwiches. Under the expectation that the meal would be similar to that of McDonald's McChicken, I dug my teeth into the crispy meat and was taken by surprise. A burst of a subtle peppery flavor on tender chicken made me hunger for more. You know it's good when you see the tell-tale signs of stringy pieces of chicken from the remnants of a savory bite.
Rating: 4.2/5
Monday, March 9, 2009
thought: going home

a little bit of that."
Many times, I had walked past the furneral home. Never had I stepped within. Yet there I was inside the doors. The dim lighting seemed to set the mood upon entrance, but lit up as I lifted my head and gazed forward.
An unusual sight it was; a small group of people sitting on chairs conversing while others chose to stand and chat. It became clearer to me that this was honoring a well lived life, rather than a somber passing. As my family and I walked towards the front of the room, a woman with a kind face and straight light blond hair approached us. "You must be the old neighbors," she said with a smile clear with appreciation, " she loved talking about your family."
Mrs. Duris looked the same to me. Her pale honey hair slightly thinner, but still the same curled around. Dressed in a calm florescent green outfit, she lied peacefully as if she was telling us a message with what she wore. The color green brings comfort. Of course, I'm not even sure whether she picked her clothes prior to her passing or those at the morgue did, but still, it was a sweet gesture of thought. Her hands were folded neatly with her aged fingers wrapped around a crucifix. There is no doubt that this wonderful woman is home.
At first, going over to her was difficult. I got this sort of empty feeling inside, knowing Mrs. Duris was not there in front of me, but just a body. I never lost anyone close to me, but when I listened to my mom's message about her earlier today, it made my stomach flip and heart sink. Once it all came down on me, the memories of her rush forward and reminscence flooded the mind. As the official babysitter of my youth, she holds a special place as a person who never thought of herself, only others. According to my mom, Mrs. Duris was the kind of person who never refused to comply when a favor was asked. Just last week, I wondered where she was and encouraged my mom to call her. She said it was peculiar how this last Christmas, Mrs. Duris didn't send us her usual annual holiday card. While I wondered this, Mrs. Duris was already resting peacefully in her sleep and onward to above.
Later after warm conversations, I felt much better. It was apparent through the stories of loved ones that Mrs. Duris had a wonderfully complete life, yet here I was crying with a wry smile of rememberance of all the good things she did.
I don't have a sophisticated way to say this, but I'm sad at the fact that I will never get to see Grandma Margaret again in this life. The last time I saw her was about five years ago at my baptism and the next will be someday when I too go home. When that time comes, we'll watch Michelle Kwan re-runs, snack on her homemade cookies, play scrabble on the computer, and skip across the floors of heaven.
In heaven, I promise not to be a picky eater.
Although I am most certain you will;
Rest in Peace
Margaret M. Duris
Sunday, March 8, 2009
news: perplexed, man shoots another...
I'm pretty sure at one point today, you have heard something on the radio...
I felt compelled to write to my pastor on this issue.
Dear Pastor Paul,
I'm sure you've heard about it as well, but as we
were driving home from church. The radio announced of a recent story occurring
today where a Maryville pastor was shot at 8am during his sermon.
This is very disturbing news and sometimes it
makes people wonder: "Wow, not even church is safe anymore."
I know upon hearing this news is already implied,
but I'm sure many have a prayer request to look out for those at that church as
well as the suspect.
In a Yahoo News article about this, another
pastor at the church explained that he was puzzled and had no idea what the
suspect's motives were. What motivates a man to shoot another, especially
the pastor while giving a sermon, during church? As I
wonder perplexed, here's the article I read:
God Bless
I can only sympathize.
My mind, today and tomorrow, will be on this sad incident.
Oh, the motives of man...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
quote: evil & happiness
Monday, March 2, 2009
eyes that eat: the coconut shrimp
the coconut shrimp
Originally uploaded by lilxerica
Described as "creamy" by Lucy Jung who thought the dish was exceptionally well done considering she generally did not agree with the coconut flavor, added that she "couldn't taste the coconut flavor." Whether this subtle coconut flavor is suitable for your taste buds, the dish was wonderful in terms of the larger crispy pieces of fried and battered shrimp tackled with the freshness of the lettuce beneath. Although the mayonnaise mixture on top proved to be sweet and increasingly delicious, personally, I'd prefer a little less poured over and more a drizzle with more sauce to the side. Nevertheless, and putting my health tip to the side, the coconut shrimp dish from Cravings brought "a taste of home" for my brother and I coming from Chinese roots. Highly recommended!
Rating: 3.5/5
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
thought/poetry: walking to the library
Thursday, February 12, 2009
shout-out: birthdays!
Happy 200th Birthday
to Abraham Lincoln!
Happy 200th Birthday
to Charles Darwin!
It's kind of odd to think that these two were born on the same day and year, existing at the same time!
(Oh yeah, yesterday was the 46th anniversary of Sylvia Plath's death.)
Monday, February 9, 2009
thought: is the color red intimidating?
According to the University of British Columbia’s research on color conc

Although significant results and differences were apparent in this particular studying involving red and blue, the experiment lacked a control group to make results comparable to the norm. In addition to this possible gap, the article did not specify where the sample population was taken from to be representative of which group of people. Certain groups of people may possibly be bias towards or less affected by a color, such as perhaps, those conditioned from a background of seeing the color red regularly would be “immune” to the effects of the particular hue. However, despite these minor discrepancies, I do believe that color effects how people perceive life and our surroundings.
Red may be perceived as intimidating and generally may seem so; however, depending on the context, the color may send off a different message. An article by David Johnson of Information Please asks the question whether different colors affect one’s mood.
The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and
breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the
wearer appear heavier…In decorating, red is usually used as an accent.
Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract
Johnson forgets to add that the color red also stimulates appetite. In the fast food industry, companies often sport bright red logos, such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, and many other places to attract customers and sway them to buying their products. Even restaurants that do not have the bold red logos find ways to use color psychology to their advantage. Walking past the green and yellow logo of Subway, customers will find themselves in a lovely dining area with beautiful, alluring wallpaper displaying the freshness of fruits and vegetables the restaurant has to offer—of course, including a blown up photo of the deep rich fullness of red tomatoes.
Another article in connection to the University of Rochester, points out that “the color red attracts men to women.” Studies focused on males’ responses to different photographs of women in different settings and presentations. In one part of the study, men were asked to rate the attractiveness of a women framed by a red border opposed to a white or blue border. The other study went deeper into showing test subjects women with different colored shirts and asking them dating related questions. To establish some control, colors used in each study were “precisely equated in saturation and brightness levels” to avoid any other factors that could influence the outcome. At the end of the study, “the women shown framed by or wearing red were rated significantly more attractive and sexually desirable by men.”
*Sorry, I did not include a bibliography. One will come soon so that sources will be cited correctly.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
another goal: pinhole camera
How To Make A Pinhole Camera - More DIY How To Projects
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
new goal: to make amazing noodles.
Ultimate (well, close enough to such) Goal:
Make these amazing noodles!
(saying the actual name will be a goal for next year...)
I made something like them recently. It didn't turn out very well (bad judgment concerning meat cooking time, neglect of stirring noodles, silly silly silliness in the kitchen), but I suppose it wasn't bad for the first time with true stir-fry. In the future, I will set myself right next to the stove and watch with observant eyes what my daddy is doing to make those magically glossy and flavorful noodles. I just gotta make sure to keep the grease from flying into my face. :P
Monday, January 26, 2009
thought: path
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
video: something classic
(I think the second one just came out. Obviously not as good as the first haha.)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Check it out (side)--->
I spent a couple hours adding books and stuff like that to it.
Still have more to go too. Woohoo.
Where has the time gone...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
challenge: book-keeping
With that, each time I finish a book, I will either update this entry or create a side bar of documentation.
Here's a list that's HUGE!
I hope I keep this up!
Monday, January 5, 2009
thought: numbness
(It's not quite poetry or anything. I have no intentions to write such. It is more so odd conversations of the blunt honest mind.)
Written October 23, 2008
I think I am numb.
Not physically, but mentally.
Small insignificant things do not move me, and sadly, nor do the important.
Frightening moments, unpaid, accumulating library fines, and failing grades.
All whisk by. Only to make me regret not worrying and taking action later on.
Perhaps, I am just tired.
No, this time not mentally.
I still feel that I am able to think... maybe too deeply.
I am tired, literally in the sense that my body yearns for the quiet, soothing calm of sleep.
Over the years, I have tested my limits. Seeing some in sight, I am wary of them and afraid of the deafening effort needed to pull through. Sometimes, I wish I could sleep and the world would stop.
Time would cease for the increment of rest. Like a long blink of the eye, in slow motion.
Once awoken, life would resume as usual; seemingly restless and disparate, but intriguing.
There exists one way out.
The only method to liberate myself from this fatigue and numbness is simply to be happy.
Try and maybe one may succeed. Emotions will fill my being.
I am active. I am free.
The key is to be HAPPY.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
random things: cool usb flash drives
- They can transport files with ease (although the emailing method is easy too).
- You can carry games, software, and other documents.
- Boom! Floppies are long dead.
- Usb flashies come in many different designs!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
(I don't know how many times, I've started a post with that, haha.)
It's been more than a year since I started this blog. Sadly, I must confess that I have not been routinely staying true to the monthly quota; however, Blogger itself, has grown wonderful in allowing users to place all sorts of new "gadgets" (as they call them) to convey their message in multiple ways instead of being limited to words. I'm going to breeze through what I have moved from this year:
- Images
- Connection to Flickr
- Side Links
- Blogger's Video
- Youtube Embedding
- Imeem Embedding
- Automatic Search by Google
- Lists
- Embedding Forms
Everything ties together well and it gives me great pleasure to look back on the previous year of posts. This experience is just the same as my love of photography and my annoying presence at the dinner table, other events, and vacations of all sorts, taking pictures of everything, dead or alive.
Over the last couple of months, I've noticed that I have been flipping through the plastic pages of my family's photo albums where the cameras ran on film. Each time, I find myself cooing at the baby-selves of my siblings. I can't wait that in the coming years, I'll be laughing at my stupid mistakes and judgments due to my prefrontal dysfunction as a teenager, when I grow older.
To reminsce and reflect are activities that never cease within my mind and continue each moment, sleep or awake.
This year, I want amazing things to happen. For each remarkable instance, I wish to capture it, whether through picture, word, or simply, the memory.
Let's make 2009 a year to remember!
with great eagerness,
Snip Snap
we all know this, but everything must have a bending, tipping, snapping, breaking point.
When will it happen
and what can the people standing around do to prolong the wait for this major paroxysm?
What measures would you take to save the world from ourselves?
Will it begin with
a touch
a word
a picture
a photo?
Or rather
a poem
a song
a lyric
or a simple stanza?
You just can't hold on forever.
Giving up something you held
so dearly is tough, but manageable.
We all have to move on.