after the rain.

after the rain.
beauty is left.

blog list

Monday, June 30, 2008

random quote: proverbs

“A hope deferred makes the heart sick,

a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

-Proverbs 13:12

Thursday, June 26, 2008

thought: descent of humanity

Questioning our ultimate future.
As years go by, could it be that we are ravishingly taking a sweet lush bite of the forbidden fruit? That like Adam and Eve, we are extracting knowledge beyond power we are capable of harnessing? But if we are like the former residents of Eden, where is our own garden of majesty and perfection to regret for?

With the rise of knowledge, our own ignorance and innocence is at a decline; therefore at the world's eventual end, who else do we have to blame but ourselves?

Flourish and fall, like the once grand empire of Rome, I wonder with a heavy heart;
what is our outcome to be?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

video to share: im your's

Thought I'd want to share this particular video. It's a music video showing two people that run their life in the same way, and eventually as fate has it, they meet. It was made by the couple's friend and presented to them on their wedding day. Very cute!

Monday, June 23, 2008

poetry: bud

One blooms.
The others watch,
waiting to soon break out of the bud
and come to life with blossom.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

random quote: live. and live well.

" Live. And Live Well.

BREATHE. Breathe in and Breathe deeply.

not be past. Do not be future. Be now.

On a crystal clear, breezy 70 degree day,
roll down the windows and

FEEL the wind against your skin. Feel the warmth of
the sun.

If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to

FREEZE your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be ALIVE.

Get knee-deep in a novel
and LOSE track of time.

If you bike, pedal HARDER and if you crash then crash

Feel the SATISFACTION of a job well done-a paper well-written, a project
thoroughly completed, a play well-performed.

If you must wipe the snot from your
3-year old's nose, don't be disgusted if the Kleenex didn't catch it all

because soon he'll be wiping his own.

If you've recently experienced loss, then
GRIEVE. And Grieve well.

At the table with friends and family, LAUGH.

If you're
eating and laughing at the same time, then might as well laugh until you puke.

And if you eat, then SMELL.

The aromas are not impediments to your day. Steak on
the grill, coffee beans freshly ground, cookies in the oven.


Taste every ounce of flavor.

Taste every ounce of friendship.

Taste every ounce of Life.


- Kyle Lake, "Sermon"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

thought: what if stop signs were blue?

What if stop signs were BLUE?

Then I'm sure car accident death rates would soar even higher...

You just can't hold on forever.
Giving up something you held
so dearly is tough, but manageable.
We all have to move on.

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