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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

another goal: pinhole camera

Inspired by one of my friends' old and taped- vintage cameras (literally uses seven pieces of tape), I feel the need to try something new. Today we have the sharp and clear feel of the digital camera, but it's funny how photos taken long before this digital age send a somewhat stronger image in terms of revealing to us the artistic take on photography. Vintage cameras provide a misty and nostalgic picture full of wonder and perception. With this, I want to make my own pinhole camera out of household materials and create something just as majestic. Pinhole cameras, however, need a ton of light and with news that the groundhog saw his shadow, spring's sunshine will be more months away. Instructables, once again provides a great "how-to." Try to out. but it's a spring project for me!

How To Make A Pinhole Camera - More DIY How To Projects


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You just can't hold on forever.
Giving up something you held
so dearly is tough, but manageable.
We all have to move on.

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